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January 20, 2025
From Dirty Harry to John Rambo: 10 anti-heroes that defy the definition
We’ll start with someone who many believe to be the quintessential comic-book antihero. Wolverine is the code name of Logan, a mutant superhero from the world of Marvel Comics. His mutant powers give him the ability to heal from wounds. Not only that, thanks to his healing his body was infused with Adamantium, a fictional metal known for its indestructibility. Read more -
January 19, 2025
Do Scientists Have A Sense Of Humor? 10 Proofs Of Existence
Who said scientists can’t have a bit of fun? While we often picture those dedicated to scientific inquiry as extremely serious people with no sense of humor, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Scientists, like the rest of us, love having a good laugh. And in fact, it could be argued that they love it so much that it often spills into their work, leading to whimsical names for new species or astronomical phenomena, or go so far as to make elaborate hoaxes that fool even their peers. From bizarre names to outrageous pranks, here are 10 of the weirdest scientific jokes and the fascinating stories behind them. Read more -
January 18, 2025
Did you know that the idiom "by and large" comes from sailors?
The English language is filled to the brim with impactful, deep, and sometimes whimsical imagery: Have you ever stopped to think about how much we rely on a vast array of unusual phrases to relay very common concepts? We are of course talking about idioms, those quirky and eccentric sentences that, if anything, provide a bit of color and variety to our everyday lives. But have you wondered where the idioms we say daily come from? Who was the first person to warn someone not to look into a gifted horse’s mouth? Don’t worry, we got you covered: We have researched the origins of 10 of the most common idioms in the English language. Enjoy! Read more -
January 17, 2025
Was Fetuccine Alfredo a person? 10 dishes with people-inspired names
Most of the food we eat is aptly named after the main ingredients that compose it, the place where it was first prepared, or some process involved in its creation. But some dishes are named after people. Sometimes done in honor of certain figures, sometimes the food carries the proud names of the women and men who imagined and first created them. Did you ever wonder who was Fetuccini Alfredo? Or the Cesar who created the salad with his name? Scroll down and learn about the stories of ten dishes named after people. We guarantee that you will think of them the next time you eat their dishes! Read more -
January 16, 2025
What's the most dangerous part of hiking? 10 tips to keep you safe!
Walking in the outdoors is excellent for our physical and mental health. And in the United States we have wonderful landscapes to make the most of this unique sport. However, while hiking is a very popular activity, it is not always practiced properly. Whether you plan to visit a National Park, venture into the woods, or explore bear country, it's best to prepare accordingly. Here are 10 pro tips to keep in mind when going hiking. Read more -
January 15, 2025
Did You Know These 10 Crazy Lunar Facts?
Humanity has been enamored with the Moon since ancient times. Our closest celestial body not only has captivated human imagination and scientific inquiry like no other, but it might also be partly responsible for our existence. Read more -
January 14, 2025
The Sun Is Only 20.5 Years Old And 9 More Facts About Our Closest Star
The Sun, our closest star, is crucial to our existence. Without it, life could not thrive in the freezing cold of space. Its unique characteristics make it truly remarkable, and there's more to it than meets the eye! Read more -
January 13, 2025
Do you know what Vichyssoise means? 10 exotic dishes’ names explained
Whenever browsing through the menu of a foreign restaurant, the names can make food appear exotic, fancy, enticing, or straight-out odd. In these cases, the logic dictates that we ask the waiter for help. But a few of these foreign dishes have become famous all over the world and their names pop up in all sorts of restaurants, not just foreign ones. Take a look at the following ten and see if you already know the meaning of any of them! Read more -
January 12, 2025
Did you know cannon shooting was once a sport? Discover 10 extinct games
There was a time when there were countless sports that enjoyed great popularity but are now extinct. Some of them are the ancestors of modern sports. Others had to be banned because they involved high levels of violence. From the ancient Greeks to the Middle Ages and pre-Columbian civilizations, in this article, we’ll explore 10 sports that no longer exist but that you will surely find super interesting. Read on to discover more! Read more -
January 11, 2025
Was ketchup a fish sauce? Discover the origin of 12 ingredients!
Did you know that the word food comes from the Old English foda, meaning "nourishment or fuel"? Many of American signature dishes and ingredients are borrowed from other cultures, while others are an inescapable part of our idiosyncrasy. The names of the foods we eat the most in the United States have their origins in different parts of the world. In this article, we have selected 12 popular ingredients to find out how and where they got their names. Explore this list of delicious word histories and see if you can spot your favorite foods! Read more -
January 10, 2025
From A to B: 10 movies centered around the world of writers and words
A script may be constructed in words, but it is not a book. At least not in the common sense of the term. That is why it can sometimes be hard to translate a great book into a great movie. Likewise, expressing onscreen the struggles of writing is never an easy task. A few notable exceptions exist, where the passion, the work, the loneliness, and the hardships endured by those who immerse themselves in the world of prose and poetry, are vividly depicted. The following ten are movies that manage to successfully translate those same things. If you haven’t seen any of these, we encourage you to do so: The experience will be a rewarding and inspiring one. Read more -
January 9, 2025
Where did Chewbacca come from? 10 iconic extra-terrestrial characters
Although we can't all jump on a spaceship to explore other planets yet, science fiction has given us a glimpse into what creatures from distant worlds might look like. From cute and funny to sinister and menacing, many of these extraterrestrial characters have touched our hearts and become unforgettable. ALF, E.T., and Chewbacca are just a few of the iconic names from other planets we'll explore in this article. Let's get started! Read more -
January 8, 2025
An Eton Mess can be a good thing: 10 odd dessert names
Nobody raised an eyebrow or batted an eyelash when the lemon ice cream was introduced to the world. After all, the name was explanatory enough to describe its subject: it was a lemon-flavored ice cream, and that’s all there was to it. But what about the Floating Island? Or the Angel Food cake? One can only wonder what a dinner party guest would imagine when the host announced that the chosen dessert was called Summer Berry Grunt. Listed below you will find ten oddly chosen names for desserts, for your perusal. So, read on, and see if any one of these tempts you! Read more -
January 7, 2025
Meet The Real World Doors To Hell And 9 Other Geographical Oddities
Our planet is truly an extraordinary place. Not only is it capable of hosting an incredibly vast array of life, but it is also full of all kinds of mysteries that even today defy explanation. From curious geographical oddities to spooky natural phenomena, there’s surely something for everyone. Read more -
January 6, 2025
What is “all that jazz”, anyway? Discover the meaning of 10 music phrases
Nobody can go through life without a little music. It is so imprinted in our brain, that we even mention music even when it’s not the topic of conversation. Where do you think the expression "strikes a chord" comes from? Music of course! Just like that, there are dozens of expressions based on the musical industry or that are directly taken from iconic songs, that is, songs that we all know and love! So, in this article, we’ve gathered 10 of these everyday expressions and gone through their origins and meanings! Are you ready? Let’s hit it! Read more -
January 5, 2025
How Long Do Cicadas Live? 10 Facts About These Noisy Friends!
Cicadas are fascinating living beings. They spend years slowly developing underground, only to die shortly after emerging. They sing loud and mesmerizing summer symphonies that can be heard from miles away. Read more -
January 4, 2025
How did the Seventh Commandment cost these printers $30,000?
Blunders are part of life. As human beings, we can all make mistakes, especially when writing or typing. A simple slip of the fingers on the keyboard might be nothing more than a joke among friends, but throughout history, there have been some typos that meant much more than that, from millions of dollars lost to huge controversies and scandals. If you want to know which mistakes could have led to such consequences, here are 10 of the most notorious typos in history! Read more -
January 3, 2025
Do you regularly use these 10 baffling idioms?
We said it once and we’ll say it again: Idioms are definitively weird. And with how much the English language relies on these strange phrases, you’ll probably find yourself using idioms more often than you think, without taking the time to think how wishing someone to "break a leg" before a big show is not a not-so-veiled threat. In any case, let’s dive into the origins of some of the most baffling idioms out there, with the hope of trying to shed some light onto the inherent strangeness of these sayings. Enjoy! Read more -
January 2, 2025
Don't let anyone steal your thunder! 10 idioms to boost your vocabulary
It should come as no surprise that the entertainment world has spawned an exceptional number of idioms and expressions that we use in our daily lives. After all, artists are an endless source of creative ideas. Phrases from the radio, the circus, theater, cinema, and television have remained in the memory of English speakers expanding our vocabulary to no end. In this article, we’ll uncover the origin of 10 expressions that showbiz has gifted us for our sole entertainment. Join us! Read more -
January 1, 2025
Fancy a cup o’ Joe? 10 terms any coffee lover should know
There was a time when coffee was coffee, everywhere we went. Cup o’ Joe, java, wake-up juice, you name it, it was pretty much all the same beverage. And then, specialty coffee barista bars appeared and things got more complicated. Whether you walk into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop, the list can be intimidating. The following ten are some of the most common suspects. How many of these have you tried? Read more