Would you be able to walk on 20-inch-tall platform shoes?

Published on January 31, 2024

Credit: Birmingham Museums Trust

Do you meticulously plan your outfits? Or are you the seize-the-first-thing-you-find type, prioritizing comfort over glamor? Whatever your style strategy, there's no denying the fundamental role that clothing plays in our daily lives.

From ancient times to the present day, fashion has been an integral part of human expression. Yet, in the ever-evolving world of style, some trends stand out for their, let's say, rarity.

Even if you think you've seen it all, you won't believe these 10 crazy fashion trends that reigned at different times in history.



Credit: Tomas Robertson

Loose sleeves can be a problem. They may get in the way while you use your keyboard, or worse, dive into your soup while trying to get dinner. If you find this unbearable, imagine wearing a coat with sleeves that reach all the way to the floor. These garments existed, and they were called bliauts.

In the 12th and 13th centuries, people wore these thin coats with snug waists. Notably, the sleeves started narrow and widened from the elbow, eventually reaching the ground.

Of course, this attire wasn't just a fashion choice; it also spoke about social status. The extensive sleeves were a luxury enjoyed by those exempt from manual labor.

Credit: Kalon



Do you think today's high heels are a pain? If so, maybe you're not ready for the wild world of chopines. These footwear, popular from the 15th to 17th centuries, were platform shoes that could reach an incredible 20 inches in height! Yes, you read it right; they were practically stilts.

But why? Well, these platforms served a practical purpose: to protect clothing from the water and mud that filled the streets at the time.

But they were not just about practicality; they were also a proclamation: The higher the platforms, the higher the social status of the wearer.



Credit: Europeana

Have you ever spotted those cone-shaped collars on dogs trying to keep their paws off a wound? Those have a nickname; they're called "Elizabethan collars." It's not because dogs suddenly developed a taste for fashion. There's another reason behind the name.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the days of Queen Elizabeth I of England, upper-class people wore these large neck ruffs every single day. These things actually looked like something out of a vet's office.

Made of linen, neck ruffs were very popular in Europe at the time. If you've ever caught a period movie, you've likely seen them stealing the scene. It seems that discomfort was a symbol of abundance.


Huge wigs

Credit: Cristina Gottardi

Before minimalism swept in, bringing simple, lightweight clothing to give our bodies a break, fashion was very different. Exaggeration was the key.

And it wasn't just about clothes and shoes; hair also played a starring role. In the 18th century, huge white or gray wigs stole the spotlight. And, in case you hadn't already guessed, they were made of human or animal hair.

The taller and bulkier the wig, the more elevated its owner's social situation. Marge Simpson would have been a sensation back then.

Sure, our computers and cell phones might give our backs a hard time, but the neck issues these 18th-century people faced would've been on a whole other level.


Mercury hats

Credit: Johnny Briggs

Would you believe us if we told you that, some centuries ago, hat-making was a risky job? Crafting hats is not a simple task; it takes talent. But in the 18th and 19th centuries, this job reached a new level of difficulty, as it involved the use of mercury!

Mercury played a central role in treating fur, the primary material used to craft the felt hats of that era.

As these hats gained popularity, so did the unfortunate rise of mercury poisoning, giving birth to the "mad hatter" phenomenon. Both hatters and the gentlemen who sported these accessories were unwittingly taking this bizarre risk.



Credit: Birmingham Museums Trust

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to wear metal clothing? Sounds futuristic, right? Well, you might be surprised to know that in the mid-19th century, women wore a sort of metal structure beneath their dresses.

These garments, known as crinolines, were originally made of horsehair and cotton, but they changed their composition over the years. Eventually, they became these metal frames called steel cage crinolines.

That's right, women of the time adopted these heavy metal hoops, not only burdening themselves with extra weight but also sacrificing comfort along the way.


Lizards as accessories

Credit: Mark Stoop

If you thought petticoats made of metal hoops were a bit much, just wait, because the 19th century has more to offer!

Towards the end of that century, a fashion craze emerged that was as wild as it was controversial: wearing tiny live lizards as accessories.

Although it sounds like a joke, it was a real (and cruel) fad. Women would casually attach these reptiles to their clothes, and the little animals would stroll around, holding onto the fabric as part of the outfit. This peculiar trend had discomfort written all over it!


Paper dresses

Credit: Olga Thelavart

Fashion is as fluid as a river, constantly changing. Since the 20th century, this characteristic has become even more dynamic, giving rise to some trends that didn't last long decades or centuries but were more like quick stylistic experiments of a few months.

That is the case of paper dresses, which had their moment of popularity during the 1960s. Driven by the avant-garde spirit and the search for novelty, these dresses were accessible to everyone, which marks a difference from the elitist fashions we have seen so far.

In addition, they were disposable, a sharp contrast to today's fashion scene, where it's all about recycling and giving new life to the old.


Sagging jeans

Credit: Ricardo Gomez Angel

Oh, the fashion choices of the 90s and early 2000s. We thought we were rocking it, but a glance at the red carpet of that time is enough to understand how wrong we were.

The turn-of-the-century look revolutionized style in the Western hemisphere, with pop and hip-hop music beating everywhere. This type of music brought with it a rather peculiar style.

Sagging jeans were worn mostly by rappers and other male urban artists. These pants weren't just oversized; they were colossal, hanging so low they'd purposefully reveal the wearer's underwear.

While many argue it was a protest against the rigid norms of fashion, let's be real: they weren't exactly easy on the eyes.


Bleached eyebrows

Credit: Rune Enstad

Just a couple of years ago, fashion pulled another unexpected twist. Hair took the spotlight. However, this time, it was all about facial hair.

Eyebrows play a crucial role in shaping your look. That's why, since around 2010, many women and men have adopted the habit of letting their eyebrows grow, meticulously combing and grooming them.

Fast forward to 2020, and this eyebrow trend took a sharp turn. Suddenly, it was in vogue to bleach the eyebrows, resulting in an unnatural look.

This trend had already been around during the extravagant 90s but recently returned as a friendly reminder that not every style comeback is a hit.


8 Latin Phrases To Impress Colleagues And Friends

Published on January 31, 2024

Credit: Joseph Corl

Is Latin really dead? Far from it. Its heritage is deeply ingrained in the English language –a gift from Roman conquerors– and its remnants have evolved into many modern languages. Countless professional fields still use a lot of Latin words and phrases daily, such as law, science, and medicine.

Moreover, several day-to-day words and sayings have roots in roughly equivalent Latin expressions or are still used in their Latin form. Think of YOLO as a sort of freshened-up Carpe Diem, "seize the day".

So, why not keep Latin alive by learning a few ancient tidbits of wisdom? You might even impress your friends and family!


Alea iacta est

Credit: Riho Kroll

Literal meaning: "The die is cast."

This ominous (and badass sounding) phrase is attributed to Julius Caesar, who allegedly pronounced it after crossing the Rubicon river with his army, thus defying the Roman Senate and starting the civil war against Pompey that eventually led him to glory. It indicates a point of no return, where irreversible actions with unforeseen consequences have been taken already.


Semper fidelis

Credit: Vidar Nordli-Mathisen

Literal meaning: "Always loyal."

You probably heard this one already as the motto of the United States Marine Corps (sometimes shortened to Semper Fi), but it is ubiquitous. Towns, family crests, schools, and other military units all benefit from the eloquent and powerful brevity of this one.


Quid pro quo

Credit: Sebastian Herrmann

Literal meaning: "Something for something."

In other words, "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." They say there is no such thing as a free lunch, and although you might disagree, this ancient phrase encompasses that feeling. It is extensively used in legal settings, usually referring to contracts and transactions.

Quid pro quo might also be the origin of the use of "quid" as slang for the British currency, and many popular expressions make puns out of the original phrase.


Cui bono?

Credit: Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Literal meaning: "Who benefits?"

Detectives and journalists will wonder this aloud whenever they get the hunch that following the money might solve a crime or lead to identifying its perpetrators. Disclaimer: rocking a pipe and a deerstalker hat is not required to make use of this adage of criminal investigation.


Veni, vidi, vici

Credit: tommao wang

Literal meaning: "I came, I saw, I conquered."

Again, a hardcore quote attributed to Julius Caesar. It is pretty self-explanatory, but if you are still wondering, it signifies a swift and decisive victory (and likely an oversized ego).


Cogito, ergo sum

Credit: Kenny Eliason

Literal meaning: "I think, therefore I am."

Suitable for the philosophically inclined, it surely is an intriguing way to begin a speech or lecture. Actually, cogito, ergo sum is the first principle of René Descartes’ 1637 magnum opus Discourse on the Method. A French philosopher and polymath, Descartes inaugurated a philosophical school of thought called Cartesianism.

In Descartes’ own words, "we cannot doubt our own existence while we doubt."


In vino veritas

Credit: Terry Vlisidis

Literal meaning: "In wine, there is truth."

If you are already tired of pompous witticisms, in vino veritas definitely breaks the mold. The phrase suggests that, when under the influence of alcohol, people are more likely to speak their true minds.

According to ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the Persians believed so much in this maxim that they had the custom of rethinking decisions taken while sober after imbibing a few drinks. Even if you have your doubts about this one, you can’t deny it’s great for parties.


Ars longa, vita brevis

Credit: Dmitry Ratushny

Literal meaning: "Art is long, life is short."

A more nuanced interpretation of the phrase might be something along the lines of "skilfulness takes time and life is short." In other words, learning anything takes time, and there never seems to be enough time to go around.

Superficially, it might look like a sad thing to think about, but it can also provide a little encouragement when you are feeling frustrated or impatient while picking up new skills or tackling long-term projects. Good things take time, so take it easy on yourself!

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