Extreme challenges

What is the Kessler Syndrome? 10 serious threats astronauts face in space

Published on January 26, 2025

Credit: NASA Hubble Space Telescope

Space is the final frontier, but that hasn’t stopped humans from pushing beyond its boundaries. Space exploration, however, is fraught with danger. On Earth, we’re shielded from the cosmic hazards and extreme conditions that dominate the universe, but beyond our atmosphere, astronauts face a multitude of threats. From handling microgravity’s impact on the body to navigating the deadly vacuum, survival in space requires precision and discipline. Here are 10 essential things astronauts must do to stay alive—and continue their quest to explore the cosmos.


Suiting Up

Credit: Benjamin Recinos

A space suit is essential for survival beyond Earth’s atmosphere, providing protection from various hazards such as extreme temperatures, radiation, vacuum, and even space debris. The suit contains several layers, including thermal control and micrometeoroid shields, ensuring astronauts don’t freeze in the shadow of space or burn in direct sunlight. It also prevents depressurization effects by maintaining a stable internal atmosphere.

The suit also contains communication systems and a supply of oxygen, allowing astronauts to breathe and stay connected with their team during spacewalks. Without a suit, exposure to space would cause an astronaut to lose consciousness within seconds due to the lack of atmospheric pressure and oxygen deprivation.


Maintaining Oxygen Levels

Credit: Joshua Chehov

As most people know, space lacks breathable oxygen. While oxygen is technically present beyond our atmosphere and elsewhere—ranking as the third most abundant element in the universe—its concentration in the vastness of space is so low that, for all practical purposes, it is equal to 0%. Thus, maintaining a sufficient oxygen supply is one of the greatest challenges astronauts face.

Fortunately, there are effective methods for generating oxygen to support long-duration missions. On the International Space Station (ISS), oxygen is produced through electrolysis, a process that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen. In the case of a system failure, astronauts can rely on emergency oxygen tanks, although these supplies are limited. Equally important is managing carbon dioxide levels. A process called carbon dioxide scrubbing is used to eliminate CO2, preventing suffocation.

Credit: NASA


Handling Zero Gravity

While there is no such thing as "zero gravity," the effects of Earth's gravity diminish the farther we travel from its sphere of influence. This near-weightless condition, known as microgravity, triggers immediate physiological changes in the human body. Without the gravitational pull that typically draws blood toward the legs, fluids shift upward, causing facial swelling and increased pressure behind the eyes. This can lead to a range of health issues, including impaired vision.

Over time, astronauts also face muscle atrophy and bone density loss, as their bodies no longer have to bear their own weight. To counteract this, astronauts must exercise daily with resistance machines, treadmills, and bikes. However, even with strict exercise regimens, muscle and bone recovery can take months once they return to Earth.


Protection from Radiation

Credit: NASA

While we may not always be aware of it, Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field provide essential protection against a range of invisible dangers found in deep space, with radiation being one of the most concerning. Even during a flight, passengers are exposed to elevated levels of radiation, roughly equivalent to a chest X-ray for every 10 hours spent in the air.

Astronauts, however, often operate beyond the protective layers of our planet, exposing them to even greater radiation levels. Spacecraft are equipped with radiation shields, but they can’t block all radiation. Astronauts can receive up to 10 times the radiation dosage they would on Earth, increasing their cancer risk in the long term. But the most dangerous radiation threat comes from solar flares. During these solar events, astronauts must take cover in specially shielded areas of their spacecraft.


Rationing Food

Credit: Kai Dahms

In space, every ounce of food and water must be carefully rationed. Thus, astronauts survive eating pre-packaged, freeze-dried meals that are both lightweight and rich in nutrients. They simply add water to rehydrate the meals before eating, ensuring they get enough calories to maintain energy levels. While it might not sound very appealing to live out of freeze-dried meals for months, astronauts also experience a noticeable reduction in taste due to the lack of gravity.

Drinking water presents its own set of challenges. Nothing can be wasted, so space stations designed for long-term habitation, like the International Space Station (ISS), often employ advanced filtration systems to recycle water from condensation, sweat, and even urine! Astronaut life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, huh?


Monitoring Mental Health

Credit: NASA

Even with all their training, the deep isolation and confinement of space can significantly impact an astronaut’s mental health. Long missions far from Earth can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. To deal with that, astronauts are encouraged to maintain a daily routine, exercise, and engage in team activities. Communication with loved ones back on Earth is also crucial for their emotional well-being.

Space agencies take mental health very seriously, conducting regular psychological assessments during missions. Studies have shown that astronauts on extended missions may experience a decline in cognitive abilities and an increase in stress levels—factors that can be critical in such a delicate environment, where mental clarity and emotional stability can be a matter of life or death.


Controlling Temperature

Credit: noe fornells

Despite the popular belief that it’s unforgivingly cold, space doesn’t have a temperature in the traditional sense—after all, it’s a vacuum. Instead, temperatures can shift dramatically, ranging from boiling hot to freezing cold, depending on exposure to the Sun. Astronauts rely on their suits and spacecraft systems to maintain a stable internal temperature. The suit’s liquid cooling garment, which contains a network of water-filled tubes, helps astronauts regulate their body temperature during spacewalks.

Inside the spacecraft, temperature control systems work to prevent the interior from becoming unbearably hot or cold. However, there have been instances where astronauts had to repair these systems themselves to avoid the dangers posed by extreme temperatures, which can fluctuate rapidly from 250°F to -250°F.


Preventing Muscle Loss

Credit: Muha Ajjan

Ever wondered why most astronauts struggle to walk by themselves after returning to Earth from long missions? As we pointed out before, without the constant pull of gravity, muscles weaken very rapidly. In fact, astronauts can lose up to 20% of their muscle mass in just two weeks without exercise.

While it would be technically possible to maintain proper muscle mass through rigorous exercise, doing so would require significantly more time than it does on Earth. Astronauts lead extremely busy lives—every minute counts up there—leaving little time for anything beyond essential tasks. So, if you were thinking about heading to space to hit the gym, you might want to reconsider and stick to your local fitness center instead!


Watching Out for Space Debris

Credit: NASA Hubble Space Telescope

Space debris, which includes everything from tiny meteoroids to fragments of defunct satellites and spent rocket parts, can travel at astonishing speeds of up to 17,500 mph! These high-speed projectiles can easily puncture spacecraft or damage equipment, putting astronauts' lives at serious risk.

The ISS is equipped with monitoring systems that detect nearby debris, allowing the station to perform evasive maneuvers when needed. However, this is far from a solved issue. Many scientists warn that if space pollution, much of which is produced by improper satellite disposal, is not addressed soon, it could lead to a cascading effect of collisions that would generate even more debris, and thus more collisions… you get the idea. This alarming scenario is known as Kessler Syndrome, and if left unchecked, it could threaten the safety and feasibility of future space exploration.


Weakened Immune System

Credit: National Cancer Institute

As if astronauts didn’t have enough going on already, space weakens the immune system, making astronauts more vulnerable to infections. This immunosuppression is caused by a mix of stress, microgravity, and increased radiation exposure. Studies have shown that astronauts’ white blood cells, which help fight infections, are less effective in space.

To make things worse, bacteria and viruses seem to behave differently out there, often becoming way more virulent than on Earth. Astronauts must be extra vigilant about hygiene, regularly disinfecting their living spaces and monitoring their health—not an easy task in the often cramped spaces where they must carry out their missions.

Don’t get lost in translation

Is reading a horse right? 10 Danish expressions decoded!

Published on January 26, 2025

Credit: Markus Winkler

Easy or difficult to learn, every language is rich and full of cultural aspects. They are one of the best tools to learn about a country, their culture, and their people. And of course, the Danish language is not the exception. Coming from the Indo-European language family, the Danish has some funny idiomatic expressions. For example, "reading a horse" is actually a thing and it describes a passion for reading, did you know that? Continue reading to learn 10 Danish expressions and their meaning translated!


Mind the cows

Credit: Anton Darius

When life gets a bit hard, we all need some reassurance, someone to tell us that everything will be okay and that there’s nothing to worry about.

Funny enough, the Danish language has an expression that goes ingen ko på isen, which translates to "no cow on the ice." This is actually an abbreviation of a longer phrase which is der er ingen ko på isen, så længe rumpen er i land, that is, "there is no cow on the ice as long as the buttock is on land." We have never seen a cow on ice, but it’s probably not the safest place for the poor animal, is it?


Beat the devil

Credit: Nathan Walker

Sayings are indeed a curious thing, and their power goes without saying. That is, who wouldn’t get up early with the prospect of getting a worm? But fun as they are, they are cultural too, and according to the Danish saying, you won’t get a worm, you’ll beat the devil. Let us show you!

In Danish, you don’t simply say "Oh! You woke up rather early!" No, you say før fanden får sko på which literally translates to "you woke up before the devil put his shoes on." If the worm wasn’t enough encouragement, outrunning the Devil will surely convince you!


Flies or birds?

Credit: Chris

Efficiency and creativity are praised qualities in most cultures. Who doesn’t try to maximize outcomes with minimal effort? That way, one can slå to fluer med et smæk. Can’t you guess what it means? Well, this Danish expression translates to "hit two flies with one swat."

If the translation rings all your bells, that’s because it means the same as our saying "to kill two birds with one stone." Resourcefulness finds its way through idioms in every language!


A passion for reading

Credit: Oklahoma Academy Publishing

Is your house full of books from ground to ceiling because you love reading? Have you got a never-ending list of books to be read? Well, in Danish, you’re læsehest: you’re reading a horse. A horse? Here’s the explanation.

We don’t know what it is about books and animals, but this phrase is the Danish equivalent of being a bookworm, that is, someone who is always reading and enjoys a good book. Are you one of those people?


Your bluest days

Credit: Anthony Tran

Sadness and low spirits resort to all kinds of metaphors to make it a less gloomy business than it already is. Blue has nothing to do with sadness, but that has never stopped anyone from feeling a bit down before, right?

But for the Danish, the expression takes a different turn. In that case, you don’t just feel sad or depressed, yo gået ned med flaget. And if you didn’t get that from context, the translation is: "You’ve gone down with the flag," which ultimately means your spirits could use a lift.


Bite your nails

Credit: Daiga Ellaby

Picture someone nervous and stressed because they have a test ahead, what do they do? They usually bite their nails, right? But in the Danish language, biting or eating one’s nails has nothing to do with being nervous.

There’s one expression that goes du må have spist søm, which translates to "you must have eaten nails." Now, without context, it can be a bit obscure, but the meaning is quite simple: It means, "no way!"


Sour apples? No, thanks!

Credit: Isabella Fischer

Fruits are no dessert, we’ve already settled that. However, nobody can say no to a bright red juicy apple. What a disappointment when you take a bite only to discover it’s sour and mealy, right?

In Danish, there is an expression that perfectly describes this feeling of talking about something you don’t want to do. The phrase is bide i det sure æble and it means "to bite into the sour apple." Who would want to do that?


Maximum effort

Credit: Enis Yavuz

On the opposite end, there is an expression that describes that eagerness or determination to accomplish something, although its literal translation is a bit of a bloody business.

When you want to try something new and are as determined as possible, you say få blod på tanden which literally translates to "get blood on your teeth" as a metaphor for how willing you are to fight for what you want.


Endless prayers

Credit: Ricardo Gomez Angel

Regardless of where or who we deposit our faith in, wherever we feel lost or we are in trouble, we pray something up there has our back, don’t we? Sighs of relief usually call upon the same figure.

But in the Danish language, people don’t say "Oh, God!" or "Jesus Christ!" The Danish say: milde Moses, which literally translates to "gentle Moses." Isn’t that cute?


Fishy owls

Credit: Richard Lee

Who hasn’t experienced eerie scenarios, suspicious situations, and some things "fishy." Or, in Danish, der er ugler i mosen.

The last expression in our article is to suggest keeping an eye on or being cautious about a situation. Translated into English, it means "there are owls in the bog," and it refers to how unusual it is to see owls in that particular place, hinting that there might be more going on than meets the eye.

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