Leave your pizza burning: 10 famously misheard song lyrics

Published on September 22, 2024

Credit: Expect Best

Have you ever realized that you’ve been belting out the wrong lyrics to a song for years? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There’s even a term for phrases we mishear and apply new meanings to: mondegreens. Some misheard lyrics become so widespread that they leave multiple listeners convinced the words they hear are correct. Let’s dive into ten of the most famously misheard lyrics that have made us all hit pause and rewind.


"A year has passed since I broke my nose"

Credit: Jayne Harris

Singer and songwriter Sting of The Police composed "Message In a Bottle" to illustrate a state of loneliness and disconnection. The first verse talks about a castaway lost at sea, who was presumably involved in some accident or shipwreck. Sting’s distinctive British accent caused confusion in the first line after the song’s chorus. Some listeners wondered if he could have broken his nose in the shipwreck. However, the correct words are "A year has passed since I wrote my note," which makes more sense in a song called "Message In a Bottle."


"Hold me closer, Tony Danza"

Credit: Call Me Fred

The 1971 song "Tiny Dancer" reminds many of a certain actor with a similar-sounding name. Elton John’s pronunciation perplexed some listeners years after the song’s release, especially when Tony Danza’s name became widely recognized for his TV roles. This mondegreen became so widespread in the U.S. that it even made it into an episode of Friends. In that scene, the character Phoebe says that she thinks the most romantic song ever written is the one where Elton John sings "Hold me close, young Tony Danza." For many years since then, people have been deliberately singing the wrong lyrics as a joke.


"I’ll never leave your pizza burning"

Credit: James Hardman

"Beast of Burden," by The Rolling Stones, doesn’t mention any pizzas. Mick Jagger’s iconic singing style, however, can make every repetition of "beast of" sound like "pizza" and "burden" like "burning." These misheard lyrics have had listeners giggling since the song’s release in 1978. Some lines of the song were, in fact, improvised by Mick Jagger while Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood played their riffs. However, the line that gives the song its name was not improvised. "I’ll never be your beast of burden" were words written by Keith Richards to thank his band members for their support through hardships.


"We’re herding for peanuts"

Credit: Pixabay

Europe’s glam metal 80s anthem "The Final Countdown" was inspired by David Bowie’s song "Space Oddity" and the idea of leaving Earth for another planet. This is why it makes it unlikely for the singer to declare that the team is "herding for peanuts." However, that is what some people heard when Swedish vocalist and songwriter Joey Tempest sang "We’re heading for Venus" after the first chorus. In this case, the grandiose and epic reverb effect used in this space-themed song might be to blame.


"We’re caught in a trout"

Credit: Saya Omar

This mondegreen comes from Elvis Presley’s voice. In "Suspicious Minds," the hit song released in 1969, he is singing that he and his lover are caught in a "trap," not a "trout." This song about a couple who mutually fear betrayal was written and recorded by Mark James, but his version failed commercially. It was then offered to Elvis, who gladly included a version of it in his album From Elvis in Memphis. Apparently, however, his pronunciation conjured a funny image in the minds of some listeners.

Elvis’ version of "Suspicious Minds" was so successful that he went on to record another song by Mark James, which became just as memorable: "Always on My Mind."


"Then I saw her face, now I’m gonna leave her"

Credit: Gelatin

This particular mondegreen completely reverses the meaning of the song. "I’m A Believer," originally written and performed by Neil Diamond, caused a few laughs in the version by The Monkees. It was the biggest-selling single of 1967, recorded in just two takes. In this version, the band sang the exact same lyrics as Neil: "Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer." However, some listeners misheard the quote. People found the misinterpretation so funny that T-shirts are now sold with the incorrect phrase.


"On a dark desert highway, Cool Whip in my hair"

Credit: Bob Osias

Not even a timeless song like "Hotel California" is free from misunderstandings. It is the exact first phrase of the Eagles’ 1976 song. Famously, it describes an eerie hotel that seems idyllic but keeps its guests for life. The lyrics use many vivid and enigmatic images to narrate the story. However, someone driving with Heinz Cool Whip in their hair is not one of them. Instead, vocalist Don Henley begins the song with: "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair." Despite the silly alternative lyrics, the song won the Grammy Award for Record of the Year in 1978 and solidified the Eagles as one of the top bands of the era.


"Kicking your cat all over the place"

Credit: Sander Dewerte

This is what some people swear they can hear in Queen’s anthem "We Will Rock You." Instead, Brian May’s composition describes some aloof young man "kicking (his) can all over the place." You’ll notice the word "can" coincides with the clap in the iconic stomp-stomp-clap of the song. Freddie Mercury’s ardent performance, combined with the song's powerful beat, can easily make that final "n" sound like "t" to some listeners. The wrong lyrics have triggered jokes since then, and even today, memes and cartoons about offended cats are associated with the song.


"Here we are now, in containers"

Credit: Kaique Rocha

This one might be attributed to Kurt Cobain, both as the vocalist and lyricist of Nirvana’s "Smells Like Teen Spirit." First, at the point of this line in the grunge anthem, he is screaming. Second, the lyrics of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" are famously cryptic and abstract, and speak of societal containment, so this mondegreen isn’t very far-fetched. The original line "Here we are, now! Entertain us!" of the 1991 song is powerful enough, referring to the expectations placed on Cobain and his generation. However, one characteristic of grunge is slurring and mumbling in the vocal delivery, so misinterpretations are likely.


"Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan"

Credit: Charlein Gracia

ABBA’s pop hit, "Take a Chance on Me," was inspired by morning runs. During his jogs, band member Björn Ulvaeus used to repeat a tck-a-ch-sounding rhythm to himself. He proposed taking that idea to the studio, and thus the rhythmic chorus of this anthem was born. It became a worldwide hit in 1978.

Unbeknownst to them, that very same year, a young man in Hong Kong was having his breakthrough in a kung fu action comedy, Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow. His name was Jackie Chan, and some years later, when hearing ABBA’s song, some people would swear they could hear the superstar’s name being chanted dozens of times.


10 Survivalism Tips That Could Save Your Life

Published on September 22, 2024

Credit: Denise Jans

Survivalism tips aren’t useful only in life-or-death situations. Granted, water purification might not be the kind of skill that you will be using in an everyday situation, but knowing how to start a fire might come in handy if you need to start your barbecue fire and no matches are available. And you can benefit from knowing how to tie a sturdy knot that won’t come undone until required.

Many of these bushcraft skills have daily applications that can make life easier and they resolve in a matter of seconds situations that otherwise would require a trip to the store or the help of a handyman. Stay with us and take a look at these 10 tips. We guarantee you will be adding at least one to your skill set.


Learn How To Start A Fire

Credit: Sebastian Pociecha

Imagine you are on a camping trip and you forgot the matches. What do you do? There are several methods you can try to start a fire without matches or a lighter. One of the most simple ones is friction.

Get together some dry grass, or dried leaves. Cut a straight groove along a dry piece of wood and place the dry grass and leaves at the end of the groove. Move a stick up and down the groove, pressing down. When heat builds up, the dry grass and leaves will catch on fire.


Tie A Proper Knot

Credit: Miguel A Amutio

Say you went on a walk with your dog and remembered that you need something from the store. But the store doesn’t allow pets inside so you must tie your furry friend with its leash somewhere outside. How do you do it safely, without creating something impossible to untie?

The Siberian Hitch is a good option for this kind of event. Pass the rope over your hand, around the tree, and back across your hand. Then pass the rope under your hand, over both ropes, and back under both ropes. Tuck a bight between your fingers and pull this bight through the loop. Tighten the resulting slipped knot. Finally pull the knot tight against the tree or pole, or knob you are using.


Sharpen Knives Without Sharpening Tools

Credit: David Ballew

You don’t need to be McGyver to appreciate the value of a properly sharpened knife. And, let’s face it: how many of us have a sharpening stone at home? To those who do, we commend you on your foresight; and to the rest of us who don’t, we say: do not worry, for there are simple solutions.

This one might surprise you but it is quite effective: place a hand towel over a table. Over the towel, put a ceramic coffee mug face down, exposing the underside. Slide the knife on each side over the exposed ceramic, just as it is done with a sharpening stone.


Find Your Way Without A Smartphone

Credit: Jamie Street

The GPS in your phone can prevent you from getting lost. But what if your phone runs out of battery? When going for a hike on an unfamiliar terrain, it is always a good idea to bring along a compass and a map of the area, just in case. You don’t know how to use those relics? No problem!

Set your compass in a flat position and move until the rotating arrow coincides with the N. Then spread your map and place it in such a way that the North on the map coincides with the North on your compass. Once you have done this, you can orient yourself on the map, knowing that it is facing in the right direction.


Purify Water

Credit: Mohan Murugesan

As we said when we started, this one might seem a bit far-fetched but it is the kind of thing that if needed, can determine the difference between life and death. Making drinkable water is extremely important if you don’t have access to pure water sources. Lucky for us, it is not that difficult to achieve.

You will need some container made of glass, steel, or any other material that can handle high temperatures. Place the water in it and cover it with a transparent piece of plastic, make a hole in the middle of the plastic, and set a tube that goes into another receptacle. Place the contraption under direct sunlight. The water in the first receptacle will evaporate, steam will flow through the tube, condense, and become pure water, that will drip into the second receptacle.


Carry A Pocket Knife

Credit: Alejandro Piñero Amerio

This one might seem a bit obvious but we guarantee that if you do carry one of these things around, you will find yourself using it at least once a day. Having a knife, scissors, a bottle opener, screwdrivers, a corkscrew, and quite a few more things in your pocket is extremely useful not only in a survival situation but in everyday life as well.

And, aside from having infinite applications, it is a cool object to have.


Have A First Aid Kit

Credit: Julia Zyablova

As the saying goes, bad things never happen to those who are prepared. While that is not entirely true because bad things happen, no matter who you are, it is true that, when you are prepared to face a situation, the consequences of it are much less significant than if you are not.

You don’t need a whole medic kit or anything fancy. Yes, that would be ideal but, let’s face it: it’s probably not going to happen. Just keep a few bandaids, pills for the most common pains, like headache, and stomach pain, and something to lower the fever, a thermometer and you’re covered for the most part.


Estimate Daylight Hours

Credit: Jason Mavrommatis

This is an interesting little trick to know how many hours of daylight you still have ahead. It can be used anywhere, as long as the sun and the horizon are both visible.

Hold your four fingers out horizontally to the horizon, aligning the top of your index finger with the bottom of the sun. Your pinkie should be closest to the horizon. Each finger represents 15 minutes. So, if you have your pinkie resting at the horizon and your index finger is right below the sun, you have roughly an hour left.


Stay Dry

Credit: feey

A big part of staying healthy involves not subjecting your body to uncomfortable temperatures for long periods. Whether you are on a camping trip or at home, it is important to stay warm when the weather is cold.

You can ramp up your body temperature by moving and eating. To stay warm, make sure to wear the right amount of layers. But, try to avoid sweating, since being damp can cause you to lose body temperature. Try to stay dry as much as possible.


Going Somewhere? Tell Someone Your Plans

Credit: Atlas Green

Whether you’re planning a short hike or a long trip, always inform a friend or family member of your itinerary. At the very least, this includes where you plan on hiking and when you plan to return.

This very simple act of informing someone can save your life if you become lost in the wilderness and rescuers come to look for you.

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