Getting In Shape: 10 Workout Techniques For Everyone

Published on October 5, 2024

Credit: Scott Webb

If you want to stay healthy, getting in a reasonably decent shape is not a thing you can simply choose to do or not do. It’s a must. The good news is that, according to each goal, different workout methods have varying degrees of intensity. And there is a workout for everybody, no matter how fit or unfit you are.

Read on and find out about some famous and lesser-known techniques that help millions of people every day to achieve a healthier lifestyle and be in a better physical condition overall.


Strength Training

Credit: Victor Freitas

Let’s start with one of the most obvious ones —and there is good reason for that. Strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness for everyone. It helps reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently.

Lean muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. Strength training can help you preserve and build up your muscle mass at any age. It enables you to develop strong bones, manage your weight, enhance your quality of life, manage chronic conditions, and even sharpen your thinking skills.



Credit: Elena Kloppenburg

Pilates is one of those exercise methods that gained traction a few years ago. However, it was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, mostly as a method of injury recovery for dancers. Some of the principles that guide the Pilates method include concentration on each movement, use of the abdomen and lower back muscles, flowing, precise movement patterns, and controlled breathing.

Pilates routines can be performed on specially designed apparatuses, including a bed-like structure called a reformer, or more simply on a mat or blanket. Its main benefits include pain relief, core strength, posture, flexibility, balance and coordination, body awareness, breath control, and mental well-being. Not bad, right?


Functional training

Credit: mr lee

As the name implies, functional training is an exercise that looks like movements you make in your daily life. Functional movements use large groups of muscles working together across your body. Picking up a heavy object, swinging a baseball bat, or carrying groceries are real-world situations that functional training helps improve.

For example, a senior individual might practice bodyweight squats to improve his ability to stand up from a chair. These everyday activities can get easier when you train for them. Functional training’s benefits also include balance and coordination, making different parts of your body move together smoothly, and is very helpful for older adults to prevent falling and related injuries.


Tai chi

Credit: Monica Leonardi

You’ve probably seen this one in parks. Tai chi is a practice involving a series of slow gentle movements and physical postures, a meditative state of mind, and controlled breathing. Tai chi originated as an ancient martial art in China. Over the years, it has become more focused on health promotion and rehabilitation.

In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of gestures named for animal actions or martial arts moves. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery.



Credit: Coen van de Broek

One of those fun activities that also doubles as a transportation method and a great way to perform a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults, is cycling.

Riding to work or to do the groceries is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. Nowadays, an estimated one billion people ride bicycles every day – for transport, recreation, and sport. Are you one of them?



Credit: sporlab

Another popular exercise, running is an appealing activity because it’s inexpensive and you can do it anytime that suits you. While it is not so great on the joints if done too frequently, running has some great health benefits, like helping build strong bones, strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, and helping maintain a healthy weight.

Also, running can be a social activity. Some runners choose to participate in fun runs, athletics races, or marathons. These days, a multitude of running clubs can be found online.



Credit: Kaylee Garrett

A well-known and healthy workout, yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. If you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery, or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten healing.

Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility, helps with back pain relief, eases arthritis symptoms, benefits heart health, and enables you to relax and sleep better. Want more? Yoga also helps you manage stress and promotes better self-care.


Aqua gym

Credit: Jon Flobrant

You might think of this one as an older people activity, but it’s no longer the case. Some good reasons explain why aqua gym training is becoming more and more popular. Working out in the water is one of the most therapeutic activities one can take part in. Water aerobics builds cardio, strength, and resistance all while being easy on the joints.

The water helps people to move more freely, helping those who suffer from joint problems. Hydrostatic pressure also enables blood flow to circulate more effectively throughout the body. This effectively reduces blood pressure and, in the long run, decreases resting heart rate.



Credit: Arek Adeoye

Surprised to find something as simple and pedestrian (pun intended) as walking on this list? Well, physical activity doesn't need to be complicated. Something as straightforward as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life.

A regular and vigorous walk can help you maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat, prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your bones and muscles, improve muscle endurance, increase energy levels, strengthen your immune system, and reduce stress and tension, among other benefits. Not really into running? Try walking!


Circuit training

Credit: Geert Pieters

Circuit training is a type of training that involves rotating between several exercises that target different muscle groups with minimal rest in between. It’s ideal for those looking for a quick, effective, full-body workout. Circuits range from 8–10 exercises, although that varies based on goals, time available, and the experience levels of the participants. Once all exercises have been completed, you may rest for 1–2 minutes, then repeat. Most circuits are completed 1–3 times.

The types of exercises included in circuit training vary considerably depending on a person’s performance and health goals, experience, mobility, and other factors. Its many benefits include increasing strength, muscle growth, and heart health. It promotes weight loss, improves your mood (as almost any exercise does), and is time efficient.


Let's Explore 10 Of The Most Dangerous Natural Places On Earth!

Published on October 5, 2024

Credit: Alain Bonnardeaux

Peril may lurk everywhere, but in certain corners of our planet, the resounding shout "Danger!" echoes at every turn.

While some landscapes fascinate with their beauty, many of them hide different threats, such as aggressive creatures, toxic plants, extreme temperatures, or recurrent calamities.

If you dare, join us on an adventure to explore 10 of the most dangerous natural places in the world; you won't believe these sites are real!


Death Valley, California

Credit: Alessandra Verre

All sand deserts across the globe represent formidable challenges to adventurers with their vast expanses, scary animals, dark and cold nights, oppressive daytime heat, and lack of water. However, California's Death Valley stands out, presenting an exceptionally hazardous environment.

One of its major threats to humans is its severe temperature; this place has recorded what is considered the highest ambient air temperature ever recorded on the surface of the Earth, an incredible 134 °F! If you are not a summer person, this is probably not the best place for your vacation.


Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan

Credit: Tetiana Grypachevska

Also known as the Gates of Hell, the Darvaza gas crater is a burning natural gas field with a diameter of 200–230 feet located in the Central Asian country of Turkmenistan. And the nickname of this site is indeed apt.

This huge hole, brimming with methane gas, first burst decades ago and has continued to burn unabated since.

Some brave ones might perceive it as no more than a curiosity, but picture yourself amidst scorching heat, surrounded by myriad sources of fire. Most people would think twice before visiting this hellish place.


Snake Island, Brazil

Credit: Fernando Santander

If you find yourself overwhelmed or panic-stricken at the mere thought of encountering snakes, then Snake Island in Brazil is probably the last place you'd want to be.

As its name suggests, this island is home to a vast array of snakes varying in size. Thousands of years ago, when the island became isolated from the mainland, these reptiles found themselves confined to this habitat. Over time, their numbers multiplied, leading to a dense population of serpents.

Today, Snake Island remains off-limits to the public, ensuring safety and peace of mind for everyone.


Oymyakon, Russia

Credit: Thom Holmes

If you think winter is tough in your hometown, the temperatures experienced by the residents of Oymyakon, Russia will leave you speechless. This Russian village might not be full of terrifying creatures or engulfed in menacing flames, but its temperatures are undeniably dreadful.

Dubbed by many as the coldest town on Earth, Oymyakon boasts an average temperature of -58°F, with recorded lows down to **-96°F!**Frozen eyelashes and clothes stiff as ice are just a glimpse of the remarkable scenes awaiting visitors to this extreme site.


Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Credit: Gabor Szucs

Nyos is a deep lake located in a volcanic area of the country of Cameroon. But it is not just any lake. Beneath its surface lie some lava deposits that release carbon dioxide into the water, creating dangerous CO2 clouds.

One of the most poignant tragedies associated with this lake occurred 38 years ago. In 1986, disaster struck when a substantial carbon dioxide cloud formed in the area, suffocating over 1,000 people near the lake's vicinity and prompting the evacuation of a nearby town.


Danakil Desert, Africa

Credit: Daniele Levis Pelusi

A large, unbelievably hot desert, with lakes full of poisonous and acid gases: it sounds like we are describing an apocalyptic scenario, but this place is very real and is called the Danakil Desert.

Stretching across regions of Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea, the Danakil Desert is characterized by its geothermal activity, which results in extreme temperatures soaring to a staggering 121°F.

Surprisingly, despite its inhospitable nature, many adventurers opt to explore this terrain, always under the guidance of experienced tour guides.


Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean

Credit: Joel Arbaje

You've probably heard about the Bermuda Triangle before. Stories abound of airplanes and ships vanishing into the air when encountering this enigmatic area of the ocean, leaving behind no more than unanswered questions.

Also known as the Devil's Triangle, its vertices are marked by Bermuda, San Juan (Puerto Rico), and Miami (Florida, USA).

Despite our modern technological prowess, the Bermuda Triangle's allure continues undiminished by the passage of time. Would you have the courage to pilot a plane through its mysterious, dangerous confines?


Skeleton Coast, Namibia

Credit: Sam Power

The name of the Skeleton Coast says enough, doesn't it? There are two explanations for this ominous title. One is tied to the huge and creepy whale skeletons that used to litter the coastline. The second revolves around the remnants of ancient shipwrecks that have met their demise on this risky coast.

If you decide to visit this site, you'll face inhospitable weather, dark fog, and intense, strong, constant, and treacherous currents.


Madidi National Park, Bolivia

Credit: Håkon Grimstad

Being a National Park, Madidi offers a great opportunity for tourists to explore its beautiful nature. However, amidst its breathtaking landscapes lies some potential hazards for visitors.

From dangerous animals such as pumas to poisonous snakes and plants that are highly toxic to humans, this site in Bolivia is not a place where you can walk around without worries. Here, every step must be taken with caution, and every encounter must be met with respect.


Annapurna, Nepal

Credit: Raimond Klavins

Annapurna, the tenth-highest peak on our planet, resides within the famed Annapurna mountain range in Nepal.

With its formidable height, towering over 26,000 feet, Annapurna represents a major challenge for those who dare to climb its snowy landscapes.

With a shocking 40% fatality rate, it is considered one of the most dangerous mountains, and the main cause is its unpredictable weather. The combination of strong wind gusts, carrying with them blankets of snow and bone-chilling cold, creates a treacherous environment for even the most seasoned climbers.

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