A sandbox is not a cube with sand: 10 Internet slang words explained
Published on December 22, 2024
Credit: Onur Binay
Each niche of human culture and experience creates its own lingo, with unique expressions to describe the interactions and objects that define its universe. But, being a realm populated mostly by the younger generations, the internet has been brave and unceremonious enough to borrow its slang from various sources. In the online world, a sandbox is not a cube full of sand for the children to play in, and a troll is not a mythical creature to be afraid of. So, scroll on, and discover 10 of these borrowed words that mean different things in the real world and the land of the internet.
Credit: Armin Babakhani
While, in the real world, a bump is an obstacle of some sort, in the online world, the term "bump" refers to the action of moving an online post or thread to the top of the list by adding a new comment or post to the thread.
This is done to make that post or thread more visible and readily available for everyone.
Credit: Dillon Winspear
A word with a similar meaning to bump in the real world, but a very different meaning online, is "block". When we block something or someone in the real world, we are placing an obstacle in the middle of a road or passage, to prevent people or things from passing through.
But when we are referring to the action of blocking someone online, we're talking about preventing someone from contacting you on a social network like Facebook, or from viewing your profile. So, in this case, not quite the same but similar.
Credit: Will Turner
The bottom-dwelling freshwater or marine fish with whisker-like barbels around the mouth, commonly known as a catfish, has no idea that humans call it that way. And even less so, does it know that his name has a completely different meaning on the internet?
In the online world, a "catfish" is a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes.
Credit: Emmanuel Appiah
In case somebody needs a reminder, a cloud is a visible mass of condensed vapor particles (such as water or ice) suspended in a planet's atmosphere. It is, without exaggeration, as famous as the sun.
However, in the internet world, a "cloud" is something entirely different, even if there is a poetic resemblance between the two things. The digital version of a cloud is any of several parts of the internet that allow online processing and storage of documents and data as well as electronic access to software and other resources.
Credit: Matheus Ferrero
Perhaps one of the most beautiful words in the English language, friend symbolizes a bond between two people who are connected to one another by affection or esteem.
But in the realm of the internet, "friend" is an action that involves adding a person to one’s list of contacts on a social networking site. Again, not entirely dissimilar, but not quite the same thing.
Credit: Sarah Kilian
This one might not be so different after all. In the real world, the act of following means going, coming after, or behind someone or something.
And, in the internet world, to "follow" someone means subscribing to their updates on social media. Therefore, it could be argued that following someone isn't all that different in both instances.
Credit: Crystal Mapes
Even though a meme was never a wildly popular concept in the real world, pre-internet, it was still a real idea. A meme is an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.
However, in the realm of the internet, a "meme" is a cultural item in the form of an image, video, phrase, etc., that spreads online and is often altered creatively or humorously. In both cases, a meme is a concept that is replicated because of its popularity.
Credit: Ostap Senyuk
Most of us have played in a sandbox as kids. It is, as the name implies, a low box filled with sand that children can play in.
But, in the modern world of internet programming, a "sandbox" is an environment in which software developers or editors can create and test new content, separate from the rest of the project.
Credit: Jirka Konietzny
Maybe not in the real world per se, but at least in Scandinavian folklore, a troll is a dwarf or a giant who inhabits caves or hills.
The word "troll" is used within the internet world to define a person who sows discord online by starting arguments or upsetting people. Both definitions describe a mischievous creature, but that is as far as the similarities go.
Credit: CDC
Something that is referred to as "viral" is anything that is related to or caused by a virus, spreading like an infection to everything around it.
In the internet sense of the word, something "viral" describes content that becomes very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, online. As we can see, both definitions share a common theme of rapid spread, though the contexts differ.