
10 Made-Up Words That Made It

Published on November 29, 2023

Credit: Clark Young

Popularized by movies, TV shows, celebrities, cultural phenomena, word of mouth, or any other way, some made-up words that didn't exist up until very recently made their way into our everyday lexicon.

Sidestepping the argument that "every word is made up," here are some terms –like meme, boredom, and even robot– that are of common usage today but haven't been around for a very long time. Or, at least, not in their modern sense.



Credit: Andy Kelly

Some made-up words have had such a successful run that it is almost impossible to imagine a proper synonym for them. Such is the case of "robot", a term used to describe a device capable of carrying out tasks autonomously.

Borrowed from the Czech word robota, meaning indentured labor, "robot" was originally coined by Karel Capek in the 1920 play R.U.R. Since then, the term has evolved to encompass an enormous amount of machines, from industrial devices to the most sophisticated artificial intelligence.



Credit: Tran Mau Tri Tam

It is currently used as a term to describe pictures of cute kitties, angry babies, captioned paintings, and a plethora of images shared online. However, it turns out that meme is a shortening of mimeme which is an ancient Greek word meaning "imitated thing".

The current shortened word, meme, was coined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene as a way of explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena.



Credit: Samuel Regal-Asante

Ok, so maybe you have never heard the term "Chairdrobe". But you probably have left clothes sitting in a chair, as if it was an impromptu wardrobe. Hence, the word at hand.

A fusion of "chair" and "wardrobe," a chairdrobe is the perfect destination for clothes that are too dirty for the wardrobe, but too clean for the washing machine. An almost universal experience, it is a visual representation of the urgencies of our daily lives.



Credit: The wub

At some point or another, we all experience boredom. It’s a common word for a common experience. But, apparently, before Charles Dickens, people either didn’t get bored or couldn't express it with such an exact word.

The author of A Christmas Tale was the first one to ever write the word "boredom" officially in his 1852 novel, Bleak House. The emotional state of boredom, however, is pretty timeless. The Roman philosopher Seneca described boredom as a kind of nausea, while Greek historian Plutarch noted that King Phyrrus was particularly bored in his retirement (albeit, using another word).



Credit: All-Pro Reels from District of Columbia, USA

Grammarian Bill Walsh expressed it nicely in his book Lapsing Into a Comma: "We, word nerds, have known since second grade that alright is not all right." While it is frequently used and seen, "alright" is technically not a single word but, rather, a shortened version of the hyphenated use of the words "all" and "right," which should stay apart.

And as for Matthew McConaughey, he didn’t come up with this expression but certainly helped popularize it with his catchphrase "alright, alright, alright."



Credit: GabboT

Used as an interjection to rub a particularly good joke on someone’s face or cheer yourself on after a small victory, Bazinga! is the catchphrase of Sheldon Cooper, one of the main characters in the popular TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory.

In the TV series, Sheldon uses the phrase to congratulate himself after a prank or a joke that ended in a good way for himself, or as a general expression of joy.



Credit: Alexandre Lecocq

Since smartphones took over our lives in the early and mid-2000s, the act of taking a picture of oneself has become as ubiquitous as the device itself.

Originally performed by solo tourists who couldn’t or wouldn’t ask someone else to take their picture, taking a "selfie" and sharing it online has become one of the most common activities in the whole world.



Credit: Perry Merrity II

The origin of some made-up words is quite self-evident, as it happens with "spork". In the world of dining, the spork stands as a testament to functional ingenuity. A fusion of "spoon" and "fork," this hybrid utensil effortlessly combines the best of both worlds. With its spoon-like bowl and fork-like tines, the spork is a versatile tool, adept at handling a variety of dishes.

Widely used as a children's utensil, the spork is also used for salads, pasta, and desserts, becoming a staple in fast-food joints, schools, and outdoor events.



Credit: Chris Liverani

A paradox in itself, the term "frenemy" is a portmanteau of the words "friend" and "enemy," combining them in a single, powerful concept. It encapsulates the delicate balance between friendship and rivalry. A frenemy is someone with whom you share an amicable facade but harbor underlying tensions. Maybe a coworker, a circumstantial ally, or a business partner can all be frenemies who might often lend us a hand but must also be carefully watched.



Credit: Ryan Franco

A quick marriage of the words "hungry" and "angry", to be hangry is to be in that irritable mood that arises when one is running on an empty stomach. It playfully acknowledges the impact of hunger on emotions.

The term "hangry" has quickly become a linguistic staple, capturing the universal experience of being both hungry and irritable. It's more than just a passing annoyance; it's a state of being that transforms the most composed individuals into impatient, easily frustrated versions of themselves. Have you ever been "hangry" yourself?

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