10 Great Dog Breeds to Own if You Have Children or Grandchildren.

Published on June 6, 2024

Credit: Minnie Zhou

Parents and grandparents thinking of getting a canine companion should keep in mind that some breeds are friendlier to children than others. Every dog is cute as a puppy but as time goes by, character disposition and genetic traits play an important role in a dog’s relationship with humans. We have compiled a list of ten children-loving dog races that are patient, playful, protective, and safe. You will be surprised to find breeds that were thought to be more aggressive than they really are and the last one will truly shock you.



Credit: Ivan Louis

We will start with the obvious so, no surprises here. Labrador dogs are often ranked as one of the best breeds for families, because of their fondness for children and good relations with other home pets as well.

A playful, affectionate, and kind dog that enjoys spending time with his pack, the labrador is full of energy, smart, and well-suited for families with an active lifestyle. Keep in mind that young Labradors are full of energy and can be quite messy, jumping around all day.


Golden Retriever

Credit: Richard Burlton

Resembling a Labrador’s cousin with longer hair, and a much more epic name, the Golden Retriever is also a great option for families with kids. It has a kind temperament and friendly attitude, and the younglings tend to be a bit calmer than their Labrador cousins.

The Golden Retriever is named like that because of its hair and the fact that it enjoys fetching and retrieving things. This dog has tons of energy and adores playing with kids, to the point of following them around in order to keep playing.



Credit: Arun B.S

Another easy pick here. The Beagle is an amazing breed for families and one of the friendliest dogs out there. It has a vibrant, energetic, and playful personality, and loves to hang out with its pack and to fool around with kids.

Yes, Beagles can be quite excitable and messy but this breed is well known for being extremely patient and calm with children, which is why it makes such a great family dog.



Credit: Matthew Henry

This breed might not be the most elegant one on the list but it certainly wins its place by being specially kind to children. Pugs have expressive faces that win the hearts of their owners and make for great Instagram posts.

While Pugs are not the most agile dogs out there, their strong legs and curiosity make them an active breed that needs exercise and mental stimulation. That being said, pugs are equally comfortable in small apartments or country homes, adapting easily to all kinds of situations.


Irish setter

Credit: Ryan Stone

A breed that embodies the expression "good boy", the Irish Setter is a good-natured and trainable animal that is always looking for its owner's approval.

Irish Setters are very outgoing, sociable with other dogs and people alike, and an overall great choice for active families with children. This breed loves spending time outdoors, where it can spend its endless energy.



Credit: Kanashi

A Hero dog if we ever saw one, the Collie is a legendary herding breed, known for its ability to watch out for its pack. Collies make for great companions, as they are strong, loyal, responsive, and affectionate animals.

Active families with children greatly benefit from Collies, as they love to move around and play. And, while they certainly need their daily dose of energy spending, these dogs are happy to relax at home with their family.



Credit: Karsten Winegeart

Don’t let their grumpy faces deceive you, Bulldogs make top-notch family dogs. Loyal, adaptable to most atmospheres, and wonderful companions to children, this breed is a jack of all trades when it comes to finding a four-legged friend.

Bulldogs are not the most active dogs out there but they certainly need their daily exercise and play, like any other breed. They are calm dogs, courageous, protective of their pack yet friendly, and good candidates for training.


Bernese Mountain Dog

Credit: Jovana Askrabic

As we move further away from the obvious choices for family dogs, we encounter this big fellow. Bernese Mountain dogs are surprisingly loving creatures, with fun personalities, patience, and kindness toward kids.

Due to their big size, this breed is better suited for households where the children are older. This is simply because the dog can inadvertently knock over a small child or hurt them accidentally when playing. Other than that, Bernese Mountain dogs make for excellent companions, great for outdoor activities like hiking, exploring, and camping.



Credit: Ticka Kao

And speaking of big dogs, this one takes the prize. The Newfoundland is a breed known for its loyalty, intelligence, and, yes, sweetness. This massive animal is a soft and tender companion to families with children.

This breed is patient and devoted to its owners. It needs exercise to stretch its legs and stay happy and healthy. Great for long walks or hikes, the Newfoundland makes for an excellent family dog.


Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Credit: darolti dan

We don't usually hear the term "bull terrier" and children together but the Staffordshire Bull Terrier may very well be the exception that makes the rule. This dog is a great breed for kids as it is playful, patient, and loving to no end. Well-socialized Staffordshire Bull Terriers make for amazing companions. They are sweet, love being around their families, and have great overall character.

Unfortunately, due to bad press and stereotypes, this breed is usually seen as more dangerous and less family-friendly than it really is. But, whoever takes a chance with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and has the love and care that it deserves, will encounter a golden heart for life.


10 Weird Senses Humans And Other Animals Have

Published on June 6, 2024

Credit: Bacila Vlad

Who said there are only five senses? While humans rely heavily on sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, there are many more sensory abilities in both humans and animals, some of which can seem bizarre or even otherworldly.

From detecting magnetic fields to perceiving infrared light, here are 10 extraordinary senses that will challenge your understanding of animal perception.



Credit: Inge Poelman

Despite having a weird name, this is by far one of the most standard senses among living organisms. Humans and animals alike rely on proprioception to perceive the position and movement of their bodies in space. This sense operates through specialized receptors (mechanosensory neurons) located in muscles and joints, providing crucial feedback to our brains for keeping balance, coordination, and doing precise movements.



Credit: Jametlene Reskp

Some animals, like birds, turtles, and even some insects, possess the remarkable ability to sense Earth's magnetic field. This sense, known as magnetoreception, allows them to navigate during migration or find their way home with astonishing accuracy. In fact, some scientists argue that humans might have a latent or even subconscious ability to perceive Earth’s magnetic field through a number of receptors located in the optical retina.



Credit: TJ Fitzsimmons

Bats and dolphins are well known for their use of echolocation, emitting high-frequency sounds and interpreting the echoes to navigate and locate prey. A form of active sonar similar to the one used by ships and submarines, this extraordinary sense enables them to "see" their surroundings even in complete darkness. Interestingly, some insects that are hunted by echolocating bats have developed active countermeasures against them, using ultrasonic clicks for echolocation jamming or by imitating the call of toxic species.



Credit: Amos

Sharks, rays, and certain fish have electroreceptive organs called ampullae of Lorenzini, allowing them to detect the electric fields produced by other animals. In most species, this sense is paired with the ability to generate weak electric fields of their own. This unique sense aids in both navigating and hunting in murky or dark waters, where traditional senses might fall short. Monotremes like platypus and echidnas have curiously evolved a similar sense of electroreception to aid them in finding food.



Credit: Wolfgang Hasselmann

Thermoception or thermoreception is the sense that aids in detecting changes in the surrounding temperature, and it is the reason anything feels hot or cold. In large animals, like humans, thermoception occurs mainly in the skin. But some species, like pit vipers, possess specialized organs capable of detecting infrared radiation, allowing them to sense heat from prey or predators. Recently, scientists have discovered that dogs possess thermoreceptors within their noses, allowing them to detect weak thermal changes in front of them.



Credit: Alexander Grey

Certain insects, such as ants and locusts, possess hygroreceptors that allow them to detect humidity levels in their environment. This sense helps them find suitable habitats, avoid desiccation, and regulate behaviors like nest-building and foraging. And while you might think humans can also tell whether something is wet or not, the truth is we don’t have any hygroreceptors, and can only infer wetness through contextual clues - as wet objects tend to be colder or feel slippery.


Pheromone Reception

Credit: Mikhail Vasilyev

Many animals, including insects, mammals, and even some reptiles, communicate using pheromones – chemical signals similar to hormones that trigger social or reproductive behaviors. This sense plays a vital role in mate selection, territory marking, and coordination within social groups. Social insects make extensive use of this ability to coordinate complex colonies and establish hierarchies.


Vestibular Sense

Credit: Franco Antonio Giovanella

The vestibular system, found in the inner ear of humans and most vertebrates, contributes to balance, spatial orientation, and sense of motion. This sense is made of two main components or specialized organs: semicircular canals that indicate rotation, and otoliths, which help perceive linear acceleration. This intricate sense helps us stay upright, perceive gravity, and coordinate movements, essential skills for activities like walking or running.



Credit: Aron Visuals

While the subjective experience of time might not be associated with a specific sensory system, scientists seem to agree that there are a series of complementary mechanisms that allow humans to perceive the passing of time. In fact, some animals exhibit remarkable abilities to perceive temporal changes, a crucial ability for survival. It has even been suggested that smaller animals with a fast metabolic rate tend to experience time more slowly than larger species with slower metabolic rates.


Pressure Sensitivity

Credit: Marcus Löfvenberg

Certain animals, like the African elephant, possess incredibly sensitive pressure receptors called Pacinian corpuscles in their feet, which allow them to detect minute seismic vibrations and communicate over long distances. This acute sense of touch, paired with their exceptional hearing, plays a crucial role in social bonding, navigation, and detecting potential threats in their environment.

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