Eager for more than just a spoonful? Sate your hunger for knowledge with our best blog articles.
March 13, 2025
Who was Harvard named after? Origin of university names
Who were the men named Harvard, Rice, or Duke? Only true visionaries would donate half of their estate to sculpting the minds of the future. From the heartfelt tribute behind Stanford’s name to the post-revolutionary rebranding of Columbia, these stories are monuments to history and culture. Let’s take a stroll through academia’s memory lane and uncover the origins of these storied university names! Read more -
March 12, 2025
Discover 10 proverbs that get us and why they still work!
Who said we need school to learn the most important lessons? Just kidding, school does matter. But do you know what is another source of knowledge and wisdom? Proverbs! In this article, we’ve listed 10 proverbs that you have probably heard and used, but never thought about where they come from. Why is it that we don’t have to count our chickens before they hatch? How come books are not to be judged by their cover? Read on and learn all about these expressions! Read more -
March 11, 2025
What do crows and octopuses have in common? 10 tales of animal smarts
When it comes to intelligence, humans are not alone on the planet. Far from it—many species exhibit incredible problem-solving skills, complex social behaviors, and even the ability to communicate with us. While their abilities differ from those of humans, they often excel in areas where humans are at a disadvantage. From the ocean depths to the skies, these 10 animals have earned their place among the planet’s brightest. Read more -
March 10, 2025
The dark side of art: 15 hidden secrets in famous masterpieces
Art is often more than just visually stunning; it can carry deep, hidden meanings and symbols that offer a richer experience when understood. From elements that tell part of the artwork’s story to deliberate messages and strange secrets, here are 15 famous artworks with hidden layers you might not have noticed before. Read more -
March 9, 2025
10 words that don’t mean what you think they do
Ever encountered a word in another language that seemed familiar but left you confused? False cognates—words that appear similar but have unrelated meanings—are the culprits. These "false friends" can sometimes lead to hilarious or embarrassing misunderstandings, especially for language learners. From actual in Spanish to sensible in French, here are 10 examples that demonstrate just how deceptive languages can be. Read more -
March 8, 2025
What would you have done? 12 incredible stories of survival
Slot canyons, the icy Andes, Australia’s desert, and the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean: These are all spots where people have been stranded and survived to tell the story. From following water streams to fending off sharks, these heroes have taught us not only how to survive in the wilderness but also how to believe in one’s own strength and not lose hope. Read on to discover amazing tales of real survivors! Read more -
March 7, 2025
10 movie endings almost no-one saw coming. Did you?
Who doesn’t love a good ending? Those final moments of entertainment are definitely the turning point that elevates some books and films to masterpiece status. And it should be said—sticking the landing is no easy task. Endings are where all loose ends of a story come together, and it takes a dedicated artist to truly bring their work of art to a perfect close. Read more -
March 6, 2025
10 surprising hobbies of historical figures
What would life be like without hobbies? Even the most brilliant minds and influential figures throughout history found time to pursue personal passions, some of which even intertwined with their main work, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. From gardening to pigeon collecting and dwarfs, here are 10 fascinating hobbies that shaped history's greatest personalities and helped fuel their success. Read more -
March 5, 2025
Have you ever heard of these 14 alternative book titles that never were?
Titles are our first introduction to books. From what we gather on the cover, we expect to get a glimpse of the journey the writer will take us on. But have you ever finished reading a book and still not known why it was titled that way? While some authors include passages that explain their chosen titles, others prefer to preserve the mystery or leave room for interpretation. Let’s decode some catchy yet enigmatic book titles! Read more -
March 4, 2025
Do you know what “piece of cake” means? 10 food-inspired expressions
Food-related idioms add flavor to our everyday conversations, but have you ever thought about their origins? From sweet compliments to cautionary advice, these phrases are often rooted in history and culture. From "humble pie" to "spilled milk," here we’ve gathered 10 food idioms and expressions with interesting backstories—though, as with any etymology, you should take them with a grain of salt. Read more -
March 3, 2025
You are overusing these 12 words. Here are 12 synonyms to replace them
The English language has a very generous vocabulary. And yet, we only use a small portion of it in our daily lives. This word economy can be driven by multiple factors, some more valid than others. But one undeniable truth is that some overused and even misused words have readily available alternatives that we could utilize instead. How many times a day do you think that you use the following 12 words? Take a look at its synonyms and see if you like any to add to your everyday vocabulary. Read more -
March 2, 2025
Crash and burn: The 10 biggest product fails of all time
Not every innovation is destined to succeed. Some ideas might sound promising on paper but fail to meet real-world consumer needs. And these flops aren’t always easy to prevent— even the most successful companies make mistakes that end up costing millions. From the infamous Ford Edsel to Colgate-branded frozen meals, there’s no shortage of failed products that should have never left the drawing board. Join us on a journey through 10 of the biggest commercial failures of all time! Read more -
March 1, 2025
10 unusual things people found buried in their backyards
If you have a backyard, chances are you've wondered what might be lurking beneath its surface. While most of us will only find little more than rocks—or perhaps the remains of a long-lost pet—incredible discoveries aren’t as rare as you might think. From priceless treasures and ancient artifacts to entire forgotten graveyards, here are 10 astonishing stories of people who unearthed remarkable finds right on their own property! Read more -
February 28, 2025
Smooth talk: 10 English expressions for effortless tasks!
According to the saying, "easy come, easy go," but today, we won’t be focusing on the last part. Instead, we’ll explore the many ways to say something is easy in English. These expressions range from playful rhymes like "easy-peasy, lemon squeezy" to more metaphorical ones like "a piece of cake." But one thing is certain—some things in life are so simple and effortless that they deserve their own colorful descriptions. Don’t worry, understanding these 10 expressions is definitely not rocket science! Read more -
February 27, 2025
How original are your passwords? Discover the top 10 and find out!
Passwords hold the keys to our digital lives, protecting our personal information and securing our online accounts. However, the proliferation of instances where we are repeatedly asked to choose a password leads to a natural tendency to simplify them. It’s easy to understand—if we have to remember 50 passwords, we’ll try to come up with ones that are easy to recall. This leads to the use of weak and predictable passwords that are easy to guess or crack. Scroll down to see if you use any of these common passwords. If so, do yourself a favor and change them! Read more -
February 26, 2025
10 Shakespearean phrases we still use today
William Shakespeare’s influence on the English language is unparalleled, and he is often regarded as one of the most significant figures in classical literature. Beyond his famous dramatic works, Shakespeare also created and popularized many words and phrases that are still in use today. From finding yourself "in a pickle" to having "too much of a good thing," the Bard’s influence on everyday language just can’t be ignored! Join us as we explore 10 words and phrases that owe their existence to Shakespeare. Read more -
February 25, 2025
Did you know these words are not spelled the same way as they used to?
Just like a river constantly flows yet maintains its continuity, languages change and evolve over time. Words can shift in spelling, alter their meanings, or branch into entirely new concepts while retaining the essence that once defined them. Even in modern times, with dictionaries and education standardizing pronunciations and definitions, notable differences persist across generations and regions. From musick to fyr, here are ten fascinating examples of words whose spellings have transformed into what we recognize today. Read more -
February 24, 2025
What is nomophobia? And 9 other words that defined their year
Each year, dictionaries and linguistic societies worldwide select a "word of the year" to capture a part of the essence of global conversations, trends, or cultural shifts. Often serving as a snapshot of society’s biggest preoccupations or passions at that point in time, these words can be fun, poignant, and sometimes even controversial. Here are ten selected choices from past years, ranging from strange numeronyms like Y2K to whimsical verbs like "to be plutoed." Read more -
February 23, 2025
Have you seen these 10 incredible Mafia films?
Mafia movies and TV shows have always been extremely popular, and for good reason: they expose the seedy underbelly of society, which is definitively a fascinating subject for us regular folks on this side of the law. With that in mind, we have selected some of our favorite Mafia and crime films to pay tribute to these 10 fictional criminal masterminds. Without further ado, here’s our list! Read more -
February 22, 2025
How did the Ancients wake up? 12 inventions that changed the world
Surely many of the tools and devices you have in your home seem so common that you never stop to think about their origin. However, despite being somewhat basic, some of the items included in this article are the cornerstone of many other inventions that sustain life as we know it today. And even more interesting, they were developed by ancient civilizations thousands of years ago! Can you think of 12 ancient inventions that survived to modern times? Find out now! Read more